9/12/2024 3:00pm
Westerlies continue today but for many regions it won’t be overly windy. Weak high pressure is centred to the west of the North Island over the Tasman, while a storm churns well south of NZ.
Let’s get into the forecast for Tuesday to start with…
Rain and showers affect the southern half of the West Coast and possibly some parts of Southland (although won’t be much in Southland). Dry, or mainly dry, for all other regions.
Westerly quarter winds continue today with strongest winds around Southland, Otago and Wellington but mostly below gale.
No big change in temperatures today although those in the eastern North Island should notice a more refreshing change today and Wednesday.
Wednesday’s forecast is similar to Tuesday, but on Thursday NZ is stuck between a large high to our east and a big storm to our south – this creates more nor-westers over NZ, more West Coast rain or showers and possibly some patchy rain or showers around parts of the North Island too.
Friday looks similar to Thursday but those in eastern places like Hawke’s Bay and Canterbury should notice the heat returning.
This weekend sees no major changes to this week’s weather. On Saturday yet another powerful storm well south of NZ will encourage more rain to the southern half of the West Coast and more nor-westers in many regions. This will make the east hotter, especially with the sub-tropical elements to the airflow, dragged down by a large high east of NZ.
On Sunday rain and showers move in from a weak cold front coming into the lower South Island and the West Coast – and ahead of that a few showers with warmer airflows for the North Island.
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