23/07/2018 2:49am
In winter we get long dark nights, colder winds and more rain. The combination can make for damp homes which leads to a number of problems from damage to your home and interior to health problems and illnesses in humans.
The results of our recent poll aren’t as positive as they could be, indicating a number of New Zealand homes have either insulation problems or people have lack of access to proper heating, for whatever reasons.
20% said their home is fairly or very damp and cold with 7% of them saying mould is also an issue.
An additional 21% said it’s sometimes damp and cold, or put another way gave a ‘moderate’ rating of living in a damp and cold home.
The majority of those who responded to our recent poll, at almost 60%, say their home is warm and dry all the time, or most of the time.
– WeatherWatch.co.nz Polls
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