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> From the WeatherWatch archives

Gosh what a difference an easterly makes in Auckland.  On Saturday night, with that sou’wester blowing – I actually put my heater on.  Last night, under an almost full moon and clear skies, that light, mild, easterly drifted in.  With the door from my lounge onto my deck wide open until 10pm I wasn’t cold at all.   

It’s evenings like that you can feel Summer in the air!  Even this morning, a little chilly perhaps on 10 degrees, but it still “feels” warmer with that gentle easterly. Of course, the showers are now mostly well north of Auckland…if that easterly breeze tips more north east (which it’s expected to do this afternoon) those showers will turn more southerly – and may brush areas from the central city northwards.

Do you notice the difference the easterly makes?  Are you noticing the seasons changing gear towards Summer – no matter where you live?  Or is it still too cold, wet and windy for you?  Send us a comment!


Story by head weather analyst Philip Duncan.


Before you add a new comment, take note this story was published on 13 Oct 2008.

David on 14/10/2008 7:23am

We had northwest breezes here in east Auckland on 2 days in late September, both those days reached 20-21 degrees. The easterly aspect to the airflow seems to be capping the daytime highs – such that we have good amounts of sun the last few days but have failed to reach 20 deg. Theoretically hotter days can occur at this time of year (would expect the odd 22-23 degrees day).

Sarah B on 14/10/2008 12:01am

I agree with you, its much much milder with the Easterly. Just had the school holidays and the wind over the 2 weeks wasnt nice. I had to take the kids out so they didnt drive me insane but standing at the park/gardens/beach every day in the cold wind was not fun. Sunday was just gorgeous in Auckland and it was time for shorts and t-shirts and walks along the beach… roll on summer! :o)

Mark Thomas on 13/10/2008 10:50pm

Yes, definately feeling the change in seasons. Sitting on 24 degrees here in CHCH at the moment with the most gentle northerly, very light indeed. It is hot!!

SW on 13/10/2008 7:16pm

Yes Easterlies are far better,infact anything thats not SW,Much less wind,showers,less constant cloud,higher temperatures,Any wind in Auckland even a straight westerly beats a south westerly in Auckland.I think were noticing the SW because even over all winter we didnt have much Sou westers and even made the winter interesting (lightning and heavier rain rather than boring showers and gales) because we dont get much lightning and thunder with SW.

WW Forecast Team on 13/10/2008 9:18pm

I agree with you – didn’t seem to get the usual constant SW wind over winter.  Also been a VERY quiet month in Auckland so far as lightning/squalls from the Tasman go.  The past 2 Octobers have been very stormy but this year is very quiet.


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