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Unsettled weekend?

> From the WeatherWatch archives

Here’s the latest on what is shaping up to be a rather unsettled weekend and beginning of next week.

The low that is expected to bring us the windy and wet weather is still on track.  It should move across the Tasman during the day today and get close enough to us to kick up the winds a bit later on today.

The first round of precipitation should be pushing onto the North Island and western South Island late tonight and early tomorrow morning.  We will also see the wind continue to pick up overnight and early tomorrow.  Severe gusts are not expected, but some moderate to strong northerlies are likely.

Heavy rain is a possibility for late Thursday and early Friday for Nelson and the West Coast.  In fact, government forecaster MetService has highlighted these areas in a severe weather watch due to the threat for heavy rain.

Heavy rain is also possible for parts of the North Island, generally from Taranaki to the Bay of Plenty.  However, at this time, those chances are pretty small.

Rain chances should ease on Saturday.

Then on Sunday, another disturbance will bring another round of rain to the country. agrees with MetService that heavy rain and severe gales are possible across the South Island on Sunday.  The highest risk for heavy rain will be for Fiordland and the southern West Coast.  The highest risk for severe gales will be for Marlborough and northern Canterbury.

The North Island could end up missing out on a lot of the wind and rain on Sunday.  However, Monday is a different story.  Wet weather should return to the NI on Monday and make for a soggy, windy day.  No heavy rain or severe gales are expected.  However, the chance can’t be completely ruled out.

We will keep an eye on it for you.

Photo by Zelda Wynn

By WeatherWatch Analyst Howard Joseph


Before you add a new comment, take note this story was published on 25 Apr 2012.

Peter of Dunedin on 25/04/2012 7:15pm

What about Otago and inparticular – when can we expect some decent rain – we’re dry as a bone – have been so for over a month!

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