The results from our latest weekly poll shows that a number of New Zealanders are suffering from allergies already – technically in winter, before spring has even truly kicked off.
Allergies tend to peak in October and November but for some can linger all year round – or be worse in other months, depending on the pollen they are most allergic too.
Our latest results show 59% say “Yes” hay fever is now an issue, with a solid quarter (at 26%) saying allergies are causing them frequent problems.
15% says they are not being affected by allergies at the moment while a further 27% says they don’t ever suffer from pollen and sneezing etc.
Thanks for voting – our next poll is out Monday!
Change to Weekly Polls:
For over half a decade we’ve had weekly polls and while that isn’t changing the days we publish them are.
We’re slightly shifting the times we issue them and the dates we write up the results.
New Polls will now appear on a Monday (no longer a Sunday) and our news story around those Poll Results will now appear on a Sunday morning at 7am (no longer sometime over Saturday). Thanks for your continued votes!
– Weekly Polls
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