The times they are a-changin’, and we’re making big changes to be out front of it all with our new…
Sometimes a pilot chooses to abort a landing – called a ‘go around’ – when the weather isn’t ideal. With…
The weather term El Niño is Spanish for “Little Boy”. The easiest way to say it is “El-neen-yo”. Here’s an…
It’s official, an El Niño weather pattern is now in place over New Zealand and Australia as conditions in the…
By Laura Paddison, CNN — As an extreme drought grips Mexico, leading to crop losses, a lack of water and higher food prices,…
Forecast data was over 3 times more likely to be the most accurate forecaster than other weather providers studied. AI and advanced technology…
Have you ever wondered what it would do to our weather if New Zealand was orientated due north-south, rather than…
From our Education Page — There is a strong connection between the weather and major fault lines, but it may…
Can you get sunburnt on a cloudy day? Do highs always bring sunny weather? Are typhoons the same as cyclones?…
Many forecasts across New Zealand during a La Nina summer can show a rain or thunderstorm symbol/icon – but sunny…