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Tomorrow’s set up

> From the WeatherWatch archives

The set up for tomorrow will be much like today, especially in consideration to the North Island where it will be much like a carbon copy of today with warm weather, sunny skies and easterly quarter breezes for most. Cloud again for Northland and even the chance of a light shower up there, some rain may even make it into Fiordland however it would be appreciated elsewhere.

Talk of temperatures reaching 40 degrees are interesting and no doubt it will be quite hot about some inland parts of the South Island tomorrow however it is the opinion of forecasters that temperatures will not get this high.

High’s in the low to mid 30’s look possible especially for some inland parts, Christchurch may nearly verge on 30 degrees however an easterly breeze due in the afternoon should peg the temperature back down a few notches.

Parts of Southland and southeastern Otago may see a shower later tomorrow afternoon as a brief southerly flick moves through, substantial relief is unlikely however and dry conditions overall look likely to prevail for the mean while.

Homepage image / Thursday 31st January temperature map –


Before you add a new comment, take note this story was published on 30 Jan 2013.

Ross on 30/01/2013 9:15am

Its amazing how the media and certain forecasters become almost hysterical in their predictions of up to 40 degrees on the east coast. As long as we have a high pressure system residing off the said coast, north east sea breezes will always knock that down in areas not sheltered by high ground, eg parts of Banks Peninsula and North Canterbury. Those temperatures are usually only possible with a norwest or at the very end of a dying souwester in fine conditions.
Therefore forecasters raising expectations in populous areas like Christchurch need to temper their excitement by factoring in the very likely possibility that the ubiquitous cool north easter will inevitably arise and blow their projections out of the water! Metserrvice and others predicted 29 – 31 degrees today in Christchurch with attendant media hype. The high was later revised to 23 once the prevailing wind arrived b(aftercasting). Wind chill would have reduced that further over the city and environs.
I think cooler heads need to prevail…

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