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Thursday Newsfeed: Colder air for many – and still plenty of cloud

Low pressure continues to weaken in the Tasman Sea but high pressure to NZ’s east means we’re still between these two systems. The high and low pressure zones work together to bring in an airflow which is cooler for many, although some in the very north won’t be quite so affected.

Cloudy weather continues on for much of NZ.

There’s still the risk of rain and a heavier than expected downpour in the Far North and upper part of Northland, but for most places wet weather won’t be too significant today. Check our hourly rainfall trends for general start/peak/end times for wet weather – and use rain radar regularly if rainfall matters to you.

Many eastern parts of NZ will be cloudy with showers, some drizzly, and colder winds off the Pacific Ocean. This colder air moves further up the North Island going into Friday, but at the same time the very lower South Island should start to see signs of a slightly milder airflow.


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