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Cold temps greet NZ

> From the WeatherWatch archives

Cold temperatures and strong southwesterlies have arrived and are definitely giving a distinct ‘chill’ in the air this morning.

Aucklanders have a sou’ wester gusting in excess of 60 kph with passing showers and 12 degrees this morning. Wellingtonians have seen a very windy night with peak gusts still approaching 80kph. 

Christchurch had a windy night as well with sou’ west winds up to gale force and some hail showers off and on and this morning Dunedin is still seeing a few showers with a cold and gusty wind and just 3 degrees.

The wind will back off gradually and the showers ease and clear but it will still remain cold with some frosts expected in some sheltered central and southern areas tonight and tomorrow night.


Before you add a new comment, take note this story was published on 28 Oct 2009.

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